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About Us

Secondary Collective: Bringing High School Home


Secondary Collective seeks to serve Hillsdale area families that are educating older students at home. Secondary refers both to the grade levels we are targeting, roughly 8-12th grade, and the place this group intends to remain - a secondary support to the educational goals of homeschooling families. We are not a co-op in that we do not offer specific classes at regular times for which all or most students meet. Rather, we are a group – a collective – committed to offering educational opportunities and community for our high school-aged children by connecting local families and teachers. 


Many homeschooling families choose to teach high school subjects to their children, hire a tutor, or look for fitting online courses. Our goal in forming the Secondary Collective is four-fold:


1. To open our parent-taught classes for our own children to other students


2. To band together in finding local teachers for subjects best taught in person


3. To create natural outlets for friendships to form and grow through class time together and through regular planned activities and groups


4. To provide resources to other homeschooling families about classes, athletics, fine arts, and other opportunities for high school students

Core Principles

We seek to foster a community of homeschooled highschoolers that is characterized by charity, happiness, and health. This endeavor will involve: 


  • Guiding our children and students in a spirit of true charity towards their peers

  • Encouraging, and creating opportunities for, worthwhile leisure activities

  • Creating a healthy culture of communication and friendship. This means that our children will talk and spend time together face-to-face instead of communicating via texts and social media. If a student must bring a phone to class, the phone should stay in his backpack unless he needs to communicate with a parent.


We respect each others’ religious beliefs without compromising our own. This means: 


  • If students disagree and argue about religion, we will teach them to do so in a respectful, humble, and charitable manner.

  • Teachers will not proselytize in the classroom. Teachers are welcome to offer classes that teach the specific doctrines of one Christian denomination; this intent should be stated explicitly in the class description on the Secondary Collective website.


We show our regard for ourselves, our classmates, and our endeavor by behaving and dressing with respect and modesty. Students and teachers should exercise good taste in speech and appearance.* Boys should not wear hats in class. Ladies (teachers as well as their students) should not come to classes or other group activities with bare midriffs, short skirts, low-cut tops, or very tight pants/leggings. Teachers should feel free to establish a more detailed dress code for their own classes.


*Should a class require particular clothing (for example a fitness class, or a technical class where loose clothing is a hazard) it is the responsibility of the instructor to make that dress code clear.

Other than these possible exceptions, we have a general expectation that teachers will dress and behave professionally and that students will also refrain from wearing distracting clothing of any kind and from wearing hats indoors. 

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